We are STMCO providers.

Solu­tion Through Inno­va­tion, Man­age­ment Pre­ci­sion, and Com­pany with Loy­alty Services.

Heat Treat­ment Ser­vices

Pas­sion for Ser­vices

More­over we also focus on an excel­lent before and after sales ser­vice.

This holis­tic approach makes us your choice part­ner in the sup­ply of opti­mum tool­ing solu­tions. Our ser­vice con­sist of


Pre-​finishing ser­vice to make the rough raw mate­r­ial ready for use.


Heat Treat­ment ser­vices using state-​of-​art machine and tech­nol­ogy.


Pro­vide tech­ni­cal con­sult­ing ser­vice for selec­tion a proper steel and Heat Treat­ment.